Free Version
The free version doesn't include any personalization or email notifications.
You can use the free version by simply visiting
Paid Version
The Paid Version is a one time fee of $50.00. It took me about 70 hrs and years of coding knowledge to create. I will always keep it updated and maintained. All future updates are included in the one time fee of $50.00. You will receive a customized affiliate link that is coded to you. There is a front end lead capture page. You will have a couple capture pages to choose from. One is generic and doesn't say Family First Life. The other will have the video that Shawn Meaike did at his desk where he talks about FFL. If you don't want a capture page you can choose a direct link that goes to the hiring video and is customized with your information (name, email, phone number)
When someone registers on the capture page you will receive an email notifying you that a "prospect is watching the video" containing their name, phone number and email.
When someone watches the video they are prompted to complete another form to "schedule an interview". When they complete that form you will receive a notification that "you have a new candidate" containing their name, phone number and email. In the near future, you can also receive notifications by text message as long as you provide a cell phone number when registering for your custom link. I've installed a private SMTP server to ensure that emails are delivered. I will also have a training section up and running by Feb. 1st 2018 with tutorials on how to use your affiliate link to hire new agents. If you would like to register and get this custom affiliate link please click the "Buy Now" button and checkout with paypal.
Sample Email Notifiactions

Once you complete the checkout process you will be redirected to the registration page.